Conception and development of a comprehensive interactive experience, allowing Tibet Museum’s guests to easily access information about the collection as well as Buddhism itself. From an interactive video on the website, to an informative web app and museum guide, to an augmented reality experience at the museum, visitors can choose what best suits their preferences to discover the Museum’s treasures.
Developed in collaboration with and under the supervision of UNIT CREATIVE.
Web app
A versatile database and management tool allow Tibet Museum’s experts to easily update the collection, which automatically updates the information on the web app and museum guide in real time.
Furthermore, it doubles as a museum guide allowing visitors to quickly find information about all the pieces in the room they’re in.
Augmented reallity
For those who prefer another type of visit, an interactive app presents them with several stories featuring important buddhist figures. At the end of each story, the app displays related pieces present in the museum and links them to the guide.
Use the following images to test the interaction:

Interactive video
Video about Tibet Museum’s birth and one of the greatest Buddhist art collectors, Alain Bordier.